Media Diet

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Flensburg Life

Neues aus der Zukunft

: Media Diet, May 2024 A roundup of noteworthy things I’ve played, read, listened to, or watched over the last few weeks. …

: Media Diet, April 2024 A roundup of noteworthy things I’ve played, read, listened to, or watched over the last few weeks. …

: Media Diet, March 2024 A roundup of noteworthy things I’ve played, read, listened to, or watched over the last few weeks. A …

: Media Diet, February 2024 A roundup of noteworthy things I’ve played, read, listened to, or watched over the last few weeks. …

: Media Diet, January 2024 A roundup of noteworthy things I’ve played, read, listened to, or watched over the last few weeks. …

: Media Diet, December 2023 A roundup of noteworthy things I’ve played, read, listened to, or watched over the last few …

: Default Apps 2023 Inspired by Assaf and Maique. 📨 Mail Client: Fastmate 📮 Mail Server: Fastmail (since 2013!) 📆 …

: Japan pharma startup developing world-first drug to grow new teeth Most people have “tooth …

: Hey #Flensburg’er, ich hätte mal wieder Bock auf Kaffee oder Kaltgetränk mit Menschen, die ich …

: Slowly regaining some energy. I think I got a bit of a cold a few days ago, which went nicely with …

: Burnout 2021 This day in 2021 was the first day of my 3-month burnout sabbatical. I had been increasingly …

: Actions for Obsidian: iOS Launch! Actions for Obsidian v1.1 for iOS is finally here! Many thanks to all the testers who sent in bug …

: TIL How to use the macOS `security` CLI tool for scripting One of my biggest small wins this month: learning how the macOS security CLI tool works. It can …

: TIL How To Batch-Process Audio Files With Effect Chains Every now and then I record an audio file for a tutorial or some such. I always do it in the same …

: Actions for Obsidian: macOS Launch! In the last month, a few TestFlight pre-release builds happened. I’ve documented all 38 …

: Finding Joy in Visible Plumbing What I came to understand a few years ago: when it comes to writing software, I love creating …

: Fresh in Flensburg #24: Heimat Beim letzten Besuch bei meinen Eltern erzählte mein Vater von einem Bekannten, der auch aus dem Harz …

: Fresh in Flensburg #23: Diese Stadt macht mich fertig Ich weiß nicht, wieviel Zeit ich noch habe. In den 5 Monaten, die wir jetzt in in Flensburg wohnen, …

: Fresh in Flensburg #22: Giving Thanks Anfang Oktober wird in vielen Gegenden Erntedankfest gefeiert, und am morgigen Montag macht Canada …

: So this is happening: Actions for Obsidian (macOS/iOS) 🚀 After a few weeks of foundational work I’m literally quite excited to finally lift the lid …

: Fresh in Flensburg #21: Ein neuer Job Zeit verfliegt, wenn man Spaß hat. Und im Moment habe ich viel Spaß: ich habe mehrere Plugins für …

: Fresh in Flensburg #20: Sønderborg Eine gute Woche. Die meisten wachen Stunden verbringe ich derzeit mit Programmieren und …

: Fresh in Flensburg #19: Etwas Negativ Unsere Corona-Infektionen sind überstanden: jeweils 4 Nächte mit Fieber und dazwischen Tage, die …

: How to hide Youtube videos based on their title using uBlock Origin I don’t like “reaction videos” as they’re some of the laziest filler …

: Fresh in Flensburg #18: Jeans Wohnungen sind wie Jeans. An unserer letzten Adresse in München wohnten wir 16 Jahre. Ich kann mich …

: Toleranz ist ein Friedensabkommen Yonatan Zunger hat den Begriff der Toleranz definiert (auf Englisch), und es sehr gut auf den Punkt …

: Fresh in Flensburg #17: Raus aus der Stadt Wenn ich es beschreiben möchte, vermeide ich den Begriff “wandern” bewusst. …

: Fresh in Flensburg #16: Klimaflucht Trigger-Warnung: Klimaveränderung. Es ist definitiv zu heiß für ungetrübt gute Laune. August 2021: …

: Fresh in Flensburg #15: Das Ich und die Beeren Vor einigen Wochen erwähnte mein Meditationslehrer Jeff in einer Session ein Gedankenexperiment des …

: How to use cross-island state management in Deno Fresh (This is just a quick write-up since the question/ topic came up on the Deno Fresh discussion board …

: Fresh in Flensburg #14: Erster Besuch & neues Projekt Meine Eltern hatten sich schon vor längerer Zeit angekündigt, um die Woche in Flensburg zu …

: TIL how to alias dependencies in ES modules fetched from the ESM CDN I’m slowly getting into Preact, Deno + Deno Fresh and Typescript. So far, Deno Fresh has been …

: Fresh in Flensburg #13: Für's Leben versaut? Während wir 2017-2020 das noch junge RECUP aufbauten, mit all den Experimenten für ein besseres …

: Fresh in Flensburg #12: Energieverbrauch und Dampfschiffe Eigentlich wollte ich gestern nur ein paar Sätze zu meinen Energie-Einsparung-Erkenntnissen der …

: Reden wir über unseren Energieverbrauch In diesem Blogpost zeige ich anhand von konkreten Beispielen auf, wie man recht einfach den …

: Fresh in Flensburg #11: Fokus Wenn Du eine gute Idee hast, aber sie im Moment nicht fühlst, also gerade kein echtes Verlangen …

: Fresh in Flensburg #10: Happy Places Ich erkunde meine Umgebung, wie ein Roomba-Staubsauger es tun würde. Es ist die gleiche chaotische …

: Fresh in Flensburg #9: Legenden Seit die Menschen begannen, sich am Lagerfeuer Geschichten zu erzählen, gibt es auch Geschichten …

: Fresh in Flensburg #8: Kunsthandwerk und Sommer Pünktlich zum Pfingstwochenende kam die Sonne ganztägig raus, und das Gefühl von Sommer stellte sich …

: Krautreporter Rico Grimm: Wir erleben gerade den ersten großen Moment der Klimakrise: Inflation, …

: Fresh in Flensburg #7: Kultur & Natur Am Donnerstag startete nach zweijähriger Corona-Pause die diesjährige Rum-Regatta. Da ich bis …

: Fresh in Flensburg #6: Hier! Der eigentliche Umzug war erstaunlich easy, von der zeitlichen Komponente einmal abgesehen. Am …

: Fresh in Flensburg #5: T-2d Die schönen “Wir sind dann erstmal nicht mehr in München”-Parties und -Gespräche liegen …

: Fresh in Flensburg #4: 12 Kisten Überall stehen Boxen und Verpackungsmaterial herum, ein sicheres Zeichen dafür, dass die letzten …

: Fresh in Flensburg #3: Abschiede Die große Abschiedsparty in der Firma war 1A, soviel sei gesagt. Für mich wurde gesungen, ich durfte …

: Fresh in Flensburg #2: Leere Zimmer Leere Zimmer sind selten wirklich leer, glaube ich. “Sie wirken halt leer, weil die …

: Fresh in Flensburg #1 Flensburg also. Der Wunsch, irgendwann vielleicht einmal im Hohen Norden der Republik zu wohnen, in …

: If you’re looking for a decent macOS+iOS streaming radio player, you can’t go wrong with …

: Setapp is killing it lately. They just added Detail to the mountain of macOS apps coming with the …

: OH: “A lot of my reading is audiobooks." By definition, you’re not reading. …

: Happy New Year! Spring-Clean Your Home Network To Keep Your Sanity If you want to start 2022 right re your mental well-being, you can do worse than setting up NextDNS …

: TIL that iOS Shortcuts is a bit particular when it comes to photos A few months ago I’ve built a simple iOS shortcut for quickly snapping a photo and sending it …

: TIL how to scan, search, filter and rejigger CSV & JSON data using `sqlite-utils` 💻 sqlite-utils is a handy little CLI tool to work with CSV and JSON data. Its v3.10 update introduced …

: TIL how to store git credentials for different HTTPS hosts 💻 When accessing different git repo hosts (GitHub, GitLab etc.) via HTTPS it’s necessary to …

: German climate law is partly unconstitutional, top court rules: Germany will have to improve its …

: "Pure", UK 2019 📺 Over the last two days I’ve watched the 6-part 2019 British TV mini-series “Pure” …

: I’m a fan of which is a messenger like Signal, WhatsApp, Messages — but its backend …

: That “well done, you” jingle in the NYT crossword app (you know the one) never fails to …

: Those Presh Mems My wife and I have a lovely1 tradition: our Jar of Precious Memories. During the year, every time we …

: Started reading Provenance by Ann Leckie 📚. Leckie’s wonderful Imperial Raadch books really …

: 2020 You know what? All in all, 2020 wasn’t that terrible. Yes, there was a lot of pain and …

: Yes, these are useless kitsch but I find them hilarious nonetheless. (Wouldn’t buy them, tho.)

: Slowly getting back into iOS after years on Android (plus iPad). There’s a lot to like in iOS …

: Finished reading Anxiety Is the Dizziness of Freedom by Ted Chiang. 📚 A neat scifi short story about …

: Paolo Bacigalupi’s A Full Life 📚 is a poignant science-fiction story about America the Western …

: Just created an account on The Storygraph, a new “keep track of your reading” …

: The other day I read Blood Grains Speak Through Memories, a scifi short story by Jason Sanford. 📚 …

: Goodreads is not good anymore 📚 I just want to keep track of my reading, and I want good recommendations and maybe get into …

: Finished The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu. 📚 I didn’t like it; I don’t get the hype …

: Started reading “The Three-Body Problem” 📚 today — in English. I’m curious to …

: I’m going to miss the astrophotography feature of the Pixel 3a. (Switching to an iPhone SE …

: How small satellites are radically remaking space exploration is a nice quick overview about the …

: Cancel Culture and the Problem of Woke Capitalism - The Atlantic: If you care about progressive …

: Indi Samarajiva: American Passports Are Worthless Now (Map) due to the US being governed by …

: We visited the #Munich zoo today. I petted a sleeping piglet. 🐖 Good times are good

: “Something something #vanlife”, I think

: 🎵 15 mins of DJ Jazzy Jeff creating a catchy remix of another song, what a surprising treat! It …

: I’ve had a lot of jobs in my life… But I’m so proud of what I do now and what …

: “Die nächsten 20 Jahre werden leichter für Menschen, die Unsicherheit aushalten können” …

: Has anyone here successfully married M.b and Pixelfed yet? I guess it’d be possible to have a …

: I just imported ~250 Instagram posts using the macOS M.b client. Now I have to clean them up because …

: I’ve two HEY invites to hand out, if anyone is interested, just holler! First come, first …

: The Segway’s Inventor Has a New Project: Manufacturing Human Organs (📦) Dean Kamen went into …

: 🚀🖖🏻 Schroeder's Law Novelist Karl Schroeder has an intriguing possible answer to Fermi’s Paradox, i.e. the …

: The Big Blog Move of 2020 I’ve just finished moving my entire blog to Hello M.b! There were a few stragglers …

: I’m getting increasingly annoyed by people wearing their masks under their chins or their …

: 🐈 What to do when your cat left 1. Stop pretending: You didn’t “lose your cat” — the wee fucker likely ran off …

: Is the Android M.b client app @dialog dead/abandoned?

: Godspeed, you magnificent G4 bastard 💻🍎

: Fairphone 3: sadly unusable As much as I like the idea of Fairphone, the execution leaves a lot to be desired. The Fairphone 3 …

: Following an account on a far-away Mastodon instance from my M.b account: ✅ You gotta love the …

: The Foundation teaser/trailer for the upcoming TV series (2021) looks good. Maybe now is a good …

: I live by five simple rules They are not special, but they’re mine. I’ve distilled them down over the last few …

: My best friend started a weekly newsletter for indie game development with Godot 🎮💻 so if …

: Sweet, my invite arrived! ✉️ I am still unsure whether their approach to email would …

: 💻 Bearing, my new macOS helper tool for TL;DR I built a little helper tool named Bearing which allows for scripting Bear. It adds to …

: Major shoutout to Platypus <> 💻 It’s a dope little app to build …

: 🎮 AC:Origins is nice, you guys ………🐪 A few days ago I started Assassin’s Creed: Origins on PS4 after buying the complete edition …

: Hello world! 👋 Well, “hello again”, I guess. :) I started blogging around 2000, built an …

: Nature can be pretty pretty. #fire #flowers #fantasyfootball #feminism

: Dear 6-year-old Me! It’s 2020 over here. I write vis-a-vis your fascination with playing …

: According to my man it is #glamourfriday — who knew? So there, SOAK IT IN. …

: Nature is awesome 😍

: Got me a new pair of pre-loved denim jeans… 👍🏼 #reuse

: Garden Yoda disapproves of springtime. Cheer up, Yoda!

: Die Dinger sind echt lecker, und die 57% Recyclat schmeckt man gar nicht raus! #vegetarisch

: Die #CSU bleibt sich treu, egal ob die Welt brennt oder nicht. Jetzt mal ehrlich, Fahrradfahrer, …

: Hurra, endlich darf ich darüber sprechen! Wir bei RECUP konnten Shell Deutschland als Partner …

: Seriously, both D and I very much enjoy our sweet, sweet downtime at the moment. Doing nothing is …

: Testing the new mic setup… The new acoustic shielding and that shock mount definitely …

: Beautiful morning sky was beautiful #münchen #munich #goodmorning

: I really like this hanging garden, always have…

: It was a good day. #klimastreik #climatestrike #münchen #munich #fridaysforfuture

: TFW you realize you somehow became one of “them”

: What a cutie! This old Fiat 500 is about 1.4 meters tall. You could probably fit two of them into …

: My homegirl [@tammyschmidt_art](] has just the best …

: That #chicken is so money, you guys I’m about to lose it

: So majestic. True nature fun fact: one kick and a bite from a moose are enough to kill a white shark

: 🌍 And it’s on. Join us! #climatestrike #fridaysforfuture #climatecrisis #münchen …

: Let’s start this day, then! #climatestrike #münchen #tedxmünchen

: From Rutger Bregman, “Utopia for Realists”, chapter 1. That man gets it 😂

: Schrodinger’s Gurke: schon seit langer Zeit im #Kühlschrank, könnte noch gut sein, aber …

: This is Coco. She lives with a team mate of mine. She is a good girl and very shy.

: Am 20.09. macht RECUP den Laden dicht. Wir gehen auf die Straße für den #Klimastreik. Und zwar die …


: I get you, road sign… I get you.

: Meißen hat ein paar echt cute Ecken, y’all

: Solid. Pretty.

: Oh, the memories! What a class act, that guy. Me and whatshisface go way back

: About three weeks ago, that moment happened. While spectacular, it was but a glimpse of all the …

: Plans for tonight: I’m gonna take a horse to the old town road 🐴 That’s it

: Postel am Lustwall. OH YEAH

: This is what Ezio Auditore da Firenze woke up to every morning. Well, that and everyday murder. He …

: Seriously, Tuscany is absolutely beautiful. Since none of my many pictures can do it justice, this …

: Bwgaaawgarage

: shit

: Today’s office: Chiemgau. It’ll do, thanks

: That’s 1000 days of meditation for me! 🧘‍♂️♥️ Mindfulness practices, mostly. It’s not …

: “Dare to be different” etc. #SoDeep Whatever. Pretty flower is pretty!

: I dig that mural. The color splotches are a nice touch. I don’t know whether those are an …

: Ach guck, das ist neu: @rebowl2go 😁 Abonniert es und sagt’s weiter, Leute!

: Gnihihihihi 🤭 (Das Gelände heißt eigentlich Kistlerhof.)

: Kollegin @lissy_wo hat gekocht. Ich meine, daaaaaaaamn

: I never met a more relaxed horse. So chill queues “Old Town Road”

: Beautiful old #Volvo is beautiful.


: Irgendwie war die Asam-Kirche heute besonders schön. Vielleicht wars das Licht, keine Ahnung. …

: That’s not terrifying at all

: Wildblumenwiesen in #München. Mog i!

: Finding new and exciting ways to break my bones!

: Man, I just ❤️ our garden during the green seasons 🌳🌿🌻

: Der Kulturdachgarten am Stachus gefällt mir. Die Preise für die Speisen sind etwas hoch, finde ich, …

: Manchmal reichen schon die kleinen Dinge. #BiergartenLifestyle

: Springtime! Bees! Sun!


: Korrekt.

: 900 days, baby! Mission: Make Monkey Mind More Mellow

: Mal wieder im Regen auf der Straße gewesen, für das freie Internet in Europa und gegen die …

: File under #SpringIsComing

: I really can’t stress this enough

: So alike, yet so different, and glass walls keep them apart. On the plate they both fight for your …

: Ich habe einen neuen #Newsletter. Er heisst “5 Feine Verweise”, und jede der …

: Gesehen im Rathaus München. Ich musste lachen.

: Crazy in love right now. Elite: Dangerous is Insane (yes, with a capital I).

: Ab heute gibt’s Zettel, liebe Münchner SUV-Fahrer.

: 5 years ago, today. It was a very good year

: Xmas break, i.e. finally there’s time for that cold. Thanks for holding up during the last two …

: Prepping for either a friendly bout of American Football or our Xmas party. THUG AND/OR OFFICE LIFE

: So that was my year, music-wise. My @petteralexis streak continues — his “Petter 9818” …

: Two sick children and a $1.5 million bill: One family’s race for a gene therapy cure Both exciting …

: Ganz heisser Tipp für alle deutschen Startups und Gründer: Hände weg von Fastbill. Meine Firma …

: In Exponential View #187 reader Andrew Edgecliffe Johnson suggests “Nowstalgia” as term …

: Actors are digitally preserving themselves to continue their careers beyond the grave Being a dead …

: The Pentagon’s Push to Program Soldiers’ Brains Within decades, neurotechnology could cause social …

: My revamped blog is now live at this here new domain, Moved to a shorter domain, switched to …

: Why You’re Probably Getting a Microchip Implant Someday Interesting article in the The Atlantic …

: The Moon Is Open for Business There’s a commercial soft landing planned for early 2019! 🌖 The …

: Plan fürs Wochenende: Blog-Relaunch von mit Unterstützung von Kategorien (Posts, …

: Lieber deutscher Mittelstand Wenn Ihr auf Eure Stellenanzeigen Bewerbungen per Email bekommt, bitte bestätigt den Empfang! Ein …

: How to Toggle Macos Mojave Dark Mode Using Applescript Because I was just hacking this into Keyboard Maestro a minute ago: tell application "System …

: Come find me. We’re having fun there, away from the ads, the brands and the Nazis. I’ve …

: This is acceptable

: This works for me, yeah

: Schee. :)

: As a wise man once said: “Sometimes you gotta stop and smell the roses, Morty, little word of …

: One of my favorite spots in Munich’s east side. A tiny restaurant with great food, good …

: Platzregen bei Sonnenschein auf dem Marienplatz ♥️

: Well, good evening, little fellow 🌙

: Some days, I like it; some days, not so much; today, I was really looking forward to it somehow. …

: Massiv gutes Beef Stew. Meine Frau ist nicht nur toll, sie kann auch echt gut kochen. ♥️

: Big fan of IKEA’s contemporary art exhibition. This piece is called “Screw that …

: Longboard lifestyle etc. Hilarious follow up: the only disinfectant at hand was Italian Grappa. …

: Truth

: That burger was pretty great.

: If you need some space to scribble, feel free to pick up your permanent marker and go nuts …

: Doing this #midsommar

: Läuft! #isarcleanup

: War wohl eine gute Party gestern. Was man so findet beim #isarcleanup …

: Mein erster #MVG #Elektrobus! Superleise, supersmooth, supergut. Mit dem fahre ich übrigens gerade …

: And this is where zebras emerge from. True fact.

: This is Horseanne. We met in Austria, she’s 29 years old and has a rare genetic disease which …

: His name is Bob. We met in Austria today. He’s not a pup anymore and almost deaf and also …

: Solid work, Google Translate, thanks 😑

: We have Go for mango party! I REPEAT, MANGO PARTY IS GO

: Today’s soundtrack comes c/o @petteralexis 🎵✌🏻 If I’m honest, it’s probably also …

: Bro’ing it up with my bro Flo, bro! Luckily, I feel (br)only half as tired as I look.

: Getting ready to get another nice, prestigious award for @recup2go. Yay! :)

: Twin-Unicorn art, sweet

: And I’m happy you ladies are around.

: Mag ich.

: Best office, best crew. I’m aware that many people claim the very same thing, but …

: I can’t believe I turned 27 today

: I took that shot 5 years ago. Fell in love with Stockholm back then. Today is another one of those …

: Always vigilant

: Heute #baystartup Demo Night! Wir von RECUP sind auch dabei. \o/

: My life could be much worse right now!

: Coffee walk STHLM continues.

: Almost finished. Drop Coffee in Stockholm, they know their craft! Lovely Ethiopian…

: OMG I think I want a flat here



: Yes, that’s Bernie Sanders in the background there @ the Lemaitre concert 😀

: Dieses Handtuch auch nicht! HAHAHAHA


: Current status: tinkering with Flutterby (looks ace so far!)

: Sci-five, @spacex! Make it happen, we all count on you 😀🖖

: Es ist wieder Zeit für im feinen @manversusmachine / @mvsmcoffee in #münchen \o/

: I ❤️ you, @OatlyAB. Please never change 😀

: Aluminium sculpture! Dope.

: Copper and bronze

: Literatur. Mächtig.

: If you want to freeze to death, Salzburg is a solid choice this time of year! #t

: Modern art. Dope. #t

: Starbucks surprise: selected thermos bottles for 50% off. €23 for a 500ml S’well! Win. #t

: Apparently we live on Tatooine now #t

: Time to crack open our “Year Jar” — full of tickets and mementos from the trips and …


: ❤️

: Klingt verführerisch! #t

: Fuck yeah Xmas automation here I come #t

: My first Xmas sweater! So style! Much Who! #t #doctorwho


: I love you, Warframe. Please never change ;) #t

: Second life: an old 2006 MacBook Core Duo running elementary OS Freya. Works well! #t

: So house. Much festive. Wow #münchen

: Alright, Xmas, I get it #t

: The annual #münchen Krampus run! #t #xmas

: Explaining the magic of Instagram to my wife. Failing. #t

: Xmas village! Egg nog!! Motherfucking churros!!! #t #münchen

: Party like it’s 1949! My grandparents' wedding pictures re-surfaced #t

: Is it springtime yet, I can’t take this shit anymore hnnnnnnngh #t

: Look, it’s my grandparents! Haven’t seen them in a long while #t

: Saturday motivation. You’re great. Use it wisely, internet. #t

: It’s that time of the year again! #münchen

: Beautiful morning in #Munich. #t

: Oh yes, that totally happened. I was told I did well. Hashtag firsttime hashtag yuletide

: I have a cape! I am Batman! Let’s go traumatize some kids. #t

: LOL wat, Google #t

: Thanks, glass #t

: Auf dem Fujitsu ScanSnap Blogger-Event. Interessantes neues Zeug bis jetzt. #t

: Not a toy, that’s an actual car. #t

: I made some #Tesla pop art!

: A reduced home-made take on Korean Bibimbap. Delicious! #t


: A picture I took a while back in #Stockholm-Arlanda. Need to get back to STHLM, and soon. #t

: Pretty sure there’s a clown in that closet. #t

: Never thought I’d see the day where I pick that program, but here we go.

: Feinripp Allstars, okay #t

: Epic Fail Night #Munich: alright, let’s do it! #t

: The night is dark and full of colours #t #münchen

: Hey look, they’re putting up the Xmas lighting #t

: Let’s try @manversusmachine coffee for getting rid of today’s “HOLY FUCKING FUCK… …

: Current status, I would lie if I’d tell you I am mellow right now #t #election2016

: 50 days! \o/ #meditation #t

: Snow, so that’s a #München thing now. #t

: Rolling deep with most of mah crew. Unfortunately @amandaraeca didn’t make it, boo :(

: And that’s the other reward for backing the #planetarysociety #Lightsail project: a sweet …

: Tesla #PowerWall 2 im #Tesla Store #München. Infomaterial lag nicht aus. #t #solar

: Right back at you, @thisisfusion! (Image ℅ Fusion’s very enjoyable Real Future newsletter.)

: Lovely. #tesla #modelx #münchen #t

: Genau mein Ding. #t

: Okay, can do! #t #coffee

: Heute gibts wieder bei @mvsmcoffee #t

: Meine Bank geht digital aufs Ganze 😦 #t

: Is it late 2017 yet? #t #tesla

: My piece of LightSail arrived a few days ago! That’ll go up on the wall. 🖖#t #kickstarter …

: Beautiful, cold morning #t #autumn #München

: SPORTS CAP, because nothing conveys “fitness” quite as well as one pound of HIGH …

: Beautiful #autumn day in #München! Great time for a constitutional. #t


: This just in: Weekend reading! #t

: Holy shit what is wrong with you people, that stuff is terrible 😲 #t

: Steffen Kastner about to rock the stage at #t3con #t


: “… coffee … ! … lovely” #t

: Guter Rat für die meisten Tage. #t

: A store front in #Munich. Yes, really. #uspol

: Actually, they’re not wrong. #t #regensburg #cake

: Solid graffiti. I love that stuff. #t

: “Thanks for your understanding”, an exhibit of the “World of Malls” show #t

: Modern art / décor #t


: Well, finishing that Ghost took me a while, but here we are! #t #destinythegame

: Beautiful night today! Half the town was out and about for Munich’s annual Long Night of …

: Vroom vroom. I dig this old design study. #t

: An Apple Macintosh 128K! Thanks, museum

: 2001? Nope. The roof!

: Ludwig Beck am Rathauseck #nofilter

: Stopp #1 bei der Langen Nacht der Museen

: Kultur, fuck yeah

: Thanks, @cooperpress! \o/

: Beautiful sunrise, that. Too bad the camera can’t quite capture it.

: I guess I’ll manage.

: Nice to see the two dominant Austrian religions being worshipped side by side

: So many layers #somethingsomething #life #wisdom #hashtag #colors #shitisdeep

: Good day ❤️


: We did some light hiking and discovered some interesting little places.

: Mount Doom looking sharp today

: Modern art. Dope.

: Dragon, shield and pike

: I think I found my meditation spot for the week.

: I accidentally Austria

: Escalators are weird

: Love the lighting in this place!

: Operation “Stewmaggeddon” is go!

: Planning the weekend. ;) I’m really curious about this Nikka Taketsuru Pure Malt. The reviews …

: It’s a good day to party, apparently. #graffiti

: Neues aus der Zukunft #49: Fokus aufs Auto, neue Industrien, Roboter und Babies 🚗 In der heutigen Ausgabe liegt der Fokus auf autonomen Fahrzeugen. Wie ist es, von einem (fast) …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #48: Watson rettet Patientenleben, Smart Dust, private Mondmissionen Eine künstliche Intelligenz sticht Fachärzte aus, weil sie aufgrund massiv größerer …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #47: Hochbeinige Busse, Bioelektronik, Hogwarts-Hut mit KI Wer dieser Tage in Düsseldorf unterwegs ist, und eine kleine graue Box mit sechs Rädern durch die …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #46: 🚀 NewSpace-Finanzierung, Entwicklungsländer-Biotech, fehlende Weitsicht Heute blicke ich mal wieder ein wenig zu den Sternen, freue mich über Sport-Roboter (die uns …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #45: Elektro-Harleys, Robo-Postbus, Nanokameras Lernende Spielzeugroboter. Eine $35-Luftkampf-AI. Nanokameras, kleiner als ein Salzkorn. Noch ein …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #44: Bus & Flugzeug aus dem Drucker, Robotermaurer, künstliche Ärzte Biotech Gene Drives: Angriff auf die Evolution? Dank neuer gentechnischer Verfahren lassen …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #43: Tech Cycles, Holz, Solarzellen im Regen Die zwei Phasen der Technologie-Einführung. Transparentes Holz. Vorstellung einiger Nano-Maschinen. …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #42: Genchirurgie, Roboter-Spinnen, Blockchain, Playboy Neue Woche, neue Links! Mein neues System funktioniert gut, und die Ausgaben erstellen sich fast von …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #41: Reboot <Reboot/> “Mensch, Carlo, Du lebst noch‽" Ja, ich bin selbst überrascht! Lange habe …

: Withings Activité Pop with Custom Leather Armband My original Withings Activité Pop silicone armband broke, and while I did want to class it up a mite …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #40: Die mit Herpes, Hirn-zu-Nexus und teilenden Robotern Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um einen Hark-Roboter zu konzipieren, der rund um die Uhr das Laub …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #39: Die mit Mikrometallgittern und Roll-Screens Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um die Sonnenlichtlampe aus dem Keller zu holen und damit dem …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #38: Die mit Elektronen-Kamera, Killer-Robotern und der Heilung von Blinden Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um sich auf eine kulinarische Zeitreise in den Dezember 2015 zu …

: Street Art im Hinterland.

: Neues aus der Zukunft #37: Die mit TrueNorth, OneWeb und der Frage nach den Roboter-Besitzern Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um wie bekloppt zu multitasken, als gäb’s kein Morgen. Hnnnngh… …



: Neues aus der Zukunft #36: Die mit Trucks, Dr. App und Xenotransplantationen Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um mal was loszuwerden. Eigentlich wollte ich mit NadZ nie politisch …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #35: Die mit Biotech, Würmern und Papier Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um in Vorbereitung auf die große Hitze am Nachmittag jetzt schon die …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #34: Die mit Biostamps, Organoids, Brainnets und Microbots Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um sich auf künstliche Intelligenzen zu freuen, die auf Kommando …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #33: Die mit Hologrammen, Hautdruckern, Indoor-Farmen und Schweizer Drohnen Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um mit der Tasse Frühstückskaffee noch einmal dem missglückten …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #32: Die mit Brain-to-Text, Hyperloop, künstlicher Photosynthese und verbesserten menschlichen Körpern Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um todmüde nach dem nächtlichen Schreiben einer neuen Ausgabe des …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #31: Die mit Burger, Brain und Brille Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, die letzten drei NadZ-losen Monate zu vergessen. Poof! Und schon …

: Using Keyboard Maestro to bookmark Chrome URLs in Evernote Replacing the Evernote Web Clipper Chrome extension with a Keyboard Maestro macro for better …

: These Amazing 12 Alternatives To The Word "Awesome" Will Stun You In The Face Awesome. Everything’s awesome. Everybody’s awesome. So much awesome. All the time, 24/7, …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #30: Die mit dem Exoskelett, Entsalzung, Tumorsensor und beschleunigender Beschleunigung Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um sich zu auf den Frühstückssmoothie zu freuen. Bis die echten …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #29: Die mit Gentherapie in Deutschland, Turboliften, künstlicher Milz und dem Transhumanisten Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um festzustellen, dass heute erst Dienstag ist und die Sonne gerade …

: Ich bin Transhumanist Arbeiten am und Warten auf den nächsten Schritt. Ich bin Transhumanist. Ich bin davon überzeugt, …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #28: Die mit dem schwedischen Cyberarm, der Querschnittslähmung und dem Traktorstrahl Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um sich über die Herbststürme zu freuen, die ganz viele Windräder zu …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #27: Die mit Roboterhosen, Untertiteln fürs Leben und Weltraumpolitik Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um sich zu freuen, dass das Oktoberfest vorbei ist. Die Welt war zu …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #26: Die mit den kleinen Soldaten Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um Guardians of the Galaxy nochmal im Kino anzuschauen, und von …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #25: Die mit STEP, der Alzheimer-Bremse Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um sich zu fragen, ob das neue Format, was sich Carlo da für den …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #24: Die mit neuen Kompaktbluttests, Kontaktlinsen-Updates und Mikrowellen im Weltraum Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um die Sommerpause offiziell für beendet zu erklären, z.B. so: “Die …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #23: Die mit Crowdfunding für die Menschheit, Deflektorschilden und der Sommerpause Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um sich zu fragen, wo die Inspiration hin ist, bei all dem …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #22: Die mit Telefonen, Polymeren von IBM, Solarstraßen und Google-Autos Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um langsam mal den Sonnenschutz rauszuholen und sich auf den Urlaub …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #21: Die mit der Grimme-Nominierung, 1-Cent-Mikroskop, Sonnen-Kerosin und DEKA-Arm Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um sich… nach dem Aufzuwachen zu fragen, ob man mit 40 jetzt ein …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #20: Die mit GDF11, Metallnerven, Cybathlon, Biosensoren, Petition und der ISS Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um zu schauen, was während der letzten 20 Ausgabe von NadZ (nicht) …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #19: Die mit Superakkus, diversen Organen, Crowdfunding, Quantum-Prozessoren, und Selbstheilung Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um flink Neues aus der Zukunft auf Facebook zu gefälltmiren, und …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #18: Die mit Solarzellendisplays, lebendigen Materialien, Infrarotkontaktlinsen, Gentherapie und Plastikschädel Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um sich über den 100. Tag des Jahres zu freuen. Die letzten zwei …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #17: Die mit Nanosatelliten, FAT10-Mäusen, Neuroimplantaten und 3D-Drucker-Zeugs Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um die erste Woche Frühling Revue passieren zu lassen, und Bestnoten …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #16: Die mit der DNA-Sequenzierung, den Drohnen, der Sonnenkugel und dem Todeslaser Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, sich zu freuen, dass das Web gerade 25 Jahre alt geworden ist. Wie …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #15: Die mit den Leuten ohne Puls, den Hörgeräten und der Kernfusion Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um sich über die ganz persönliche Energiewende zu freuen, die …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #14 Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, sich auf die Zukunft und den damit verbundenen Frühling zu freuen. …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #13 Na, das hat ja gut geklappt mit dem “Ich bin Mitte Januar wieder da”—der Jänner ist nahezu vorbei, …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #12 Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um sich darüber zu freuen, dass gerade mal nicht “Last Christmas” im …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #11 Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um die Feuerzangenbowle beim Frühstück vor der Ehefrau mit “Aber wir …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #10 Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um sich auf den Start von SpaceX’ neuer Falcon 9-Rakete kurz vor …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #9 Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um sich zu fragen, wo genau die amerikanische Marssonde jetzt wohl …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #8 Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um darüber irritiert zu sein, dass Astronomie (Wissenschaft) in …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #7 Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um sich zu fragen, wo genau die indische Marssonde jetzt wohl gerade …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #6 Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um über die großartigen Möglichkeiten des 21. Jahrhunderts das lange …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #5 Donnerstagmorgen sind dafür da, um sich zu wundern, warum dieser komische Newsletter heute schon …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #4 Freitagmorgen sind dafür da, um im Büro zu sitzen, so zu tun als würde man arbeiten, und sich …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #3 Ja, servus! Die letzte Woche hatte einige supergute Nachrichten parat. Erstens hat die Wiesn endlich …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #2 Eine neue Woche, eine neue Ausgabe! Die Resonanz auf meinen kleinen Newsletter hier hat mich positiv …

: Neues aus der Zukunft #1 Hi, ich bin Carlo Zottmann, und ich werde 140 Jahre alt, mindestens. Das heisst, ich habe noch 100 …

: Post-It #34 The history of the NRA, the future of medicine, the inherent dangers of biotechnology, space …

: Google's authentication-less, on-the-fly image resizing service Did you know Google runs a free and open image resizing service? I certainly didn’t. While …

: On evolving languages “Awesome” is the new “good”. “Amazing” is the new …

: Post-It #33 Standing up for your truths, videogame movie adaptions, videogames violence, the history of Boing …

: Post-It #32 Counting those Stephen Colberts, new spacesuits, stem cell research tripling mice life spans, and …

: Post-It #31 Your favourite new Dropbox tool, gun control in Japan, why Germany is still on top, Python-less …

: Blocking those ads on Xbox Live Building a fire-and-forget ad blocker using OpenDNS. I am an avid Xbox Live user. More to the point, …

: Apple users are from Mars, Android users are from Venus It’s the godsdamn console wars all over again, I swear. So today Apple might/will/should …

: Post-It #30 Bash one-liners, Flickr vs Yahoo!, low-innovation internet, draft posts in jekyll, a great …

: The Big Blog Move Of 2012, Part 2 The Saga continues, or: Goodbye Calepin, hello Jekyll. A few weeks ago word got around that Calepin, …

: Hazel Quick Tip: Automatically extract the actual installer from Adobe's Flash Player installer Yo dawg I herd you like installers so we put an installer inside your installer so you can install …

: The Unfollow Manifesto Ssssh, it’s okay. It’s not an insult. At some point in the past I’ve decided to …

: Post-It #29 Dev HTTP Client, Calepin closing, Facebook dick move #2754, shoelace knots, dubstep agriculture. …

: My Casual Office Fitness Routine How to get super-ripped without leaving your chair. TL;DR: I’m doing table push-ups in my …

: The World vs. Mass Effect 3's Endings Great game, great series, no happy endings, many people outraged. MASS EFFECT SPOILERS AHEAD, …

: Post-It #28 localtunnel, Baldur’s Gate, Sparrow for iPhone, Russian space program, Dow Jones, RUIN. In …

: Mini review: "Workout Hero" for iPhone I’m not strong enough to stomach this. Workout Hero for iPhone ($1.99 at the time of writing) …

: On Fighting Games, Misogyny and Fuckheads If you think sexual harassment is acceptable, you’re a goddamn idiot. What the fuck is wrong …

: Post-It #27 DNS validation, meta-news, Backbone, shirt-based US election humor, git. A DNS validation service …

: Post-It #26 Sublime Text 2 packages, Samsung Galaxy Note, Gumroad, Yoshi’s Blend. Sublime Text 2 has …

: Post-It #25 Links that will change your life forever. Alright, let’s pick up my old 2007 habit again of …

: The big blog move of 2012 Goodbye, Tumblr! Hello, Calepin! So, once again I was fed up with my choice of blogging platform. …

: Movember 2011: €300! [Deutsch] So, der Movember 2011 ist vorbei, Zeit für ein finales Update. Über die letzten vier Wochen hinweg …

: Movember 2011: €300! [English] Well, Movember 2011 came and went, it’s time for one final update. Over the course of the last …

: 100 Best Random Letter Combinations Relevant web development top list is relevant. (Please pay attention to the hojillion ads in the …

: Movember 2011 [Deutsch] Nachdem Hendrik mir eröffnete, dass Cocktober (fragt ihn…) schon vorbei wäre, war ich sehr traurig. …

: Movember 2011 [English] When Hendrik told me I’m missed Cocktober (ask him…), I was very sad. But then I realized this …

: A Few Notes About… Chef + Ubuntu 10.04 + Ruby 1.9.2 + RVM TL;DR: ditch RVM on production systems unless you like pain. A few notes on getting chef-client to …

: Review: Saints Row 2 (360) In which I describe some of the silly fun I had in Volition’s 2008 absurdist gang warfare …

: My Favourite Chrome Extensions A few months ago I switched to Chrome. It’s a solid browser; it does what I want and expect …

: The Guardian on Recycling in Germany Really nice article in the Guardian’s Environment section today: A small town in Germany where …

: The Blind Man Who Taught Himself To See “Men’s Journal » The Blind Man Who Taught Himself To See”: A terrific, stunning article …

: Space Tourism: One Giant Leap for Researchers Cool NYT article is cool: “Space Tourism: One Giant Leap for Researchers”. There’s …

: What happens after Yahoo! acquires you “What happens after Yahoo! acquires you” over at is an interesting read. …

: On Apple's new subscription model Jean-Louis Gassée tweets: Apple’s new rules rile. But not me: I’m the paying customer and I resent …

: Cutting Back On Mindless Sharing A few days ago I’ve disabled the auto-posting of my starred Instapaper articles, thus forcing …

: Ephemera is now open source I wrote Ephemera a) to learn MacRuby and b) to scratch an itch I had. Since then the iPad was …

: Introducing Your New YUIDoc Theme I like YUIDoc. I don’t like its default theme. Since I couldn’t find any other themes on …

: Still running: Minimalist, Week 15 Over the last few months I’ve been clocking in ~180km in my Vibram FiveFingers. For the most …

: NYTimes: Rivals Seize on Troubles of Facebook Interesting article in the NYTimes: Rivals Seize on Troubles of Facebook. Ultimately, I doubt …

: Still running: Vibrams, Week 2 Tuesday, April 27, 2010 Wore my Nike Free yesterday, as they’re the most flexible (actual) …

: Still running: Going Minimalist Reading Christopher McDougall’s highly interesting and inspirational “Born to …

: Assorted MacRuby Snippets #2 This post references MacRuby 0.5, used with Xcode 3.2 on Snopard (10.6.2); the general technique …

: Ephemera v1.1 Last night I’ve released a new version of Ephemera, my 2-way Instapaper /ebook-reader sync …

: Accessing the Keychain with MacRuby This post references MacRuby 0.5, used with Xcode 3.2 on Snopard (10.6.2); the general technique …

: Ephemera for Mac I’ve built my first Mac app: Ephemera, which offers two-way sync for your ebook …

: Xcode & MacRuby: Embed, Compile, Fix This post references MacRuby 0.5b2, used with Xcode 3.2 on Snopard (10.6.2). At some point …

: Assorted MacRuby Snippets Some things I’ve learned or discovered during the last few days. Nothing special, but taking …

: MacRuby compilation step fixes Just a note, mostly to myself: The default XCode MacRuby rb_main.rb template will contain these …

: Mini Review: 2009 What They Call The “Real Life” 2008 ended with me getting unemployed. The decision …

: How to reset your keyboard on OSX Somehow, after connecting my new Logitech G9 Laser mouse tonight, two keys on my MS Natural Ergo …

: City At World's End, 58 Years Later A while ago I’ve decided to do a little time travelling. In literature, that is. So I’ve …

: Tools of the trade Assaf passed the ball1, and I’m gonna run with it. So Mr Cooper asks “What are your tools of …

: Dev Env acting up when trying to do bulk operations (What a title…) I was pulling my hair out over the last two days when I was implementing bulk …

: The big blog move of 2009 Just a heads-up: I’ve moved my blog today — in two ways. First, I’ve ditched my …

: Twittwoch München Letzte Woche war ich auf meinem ersten Twittwoch, logischerweise auf dem in München. Da Thomas …

: Excellent Localmemcache Yesterday’s Munich on Rails meetup was the usual mix of interesting talks and geeky, …

: Warnfarbenkoalition So, gestern also Bundestagswahl. Durch den Ausgang der Wahl ließ ich mich dann zu folgendem Tweet …

: Upgrading to Snow Leopard I’ve made the switch from Leopard to Snow Leopard today. First, I took the necessary steps, of …

: Liebe VOX-Redaktionen! Eure Sendungen sind scheisse. Nein, wirklich. Ich meine das nicht böse oder abwertend, sicher nicht. …

: Selling BetterSearch Since its birth a few years ago, my Firefox addon BetterSearch has been a fun project. People were …

: CharPool Has Launched: There's A New WoW Site In Town Over the last few years, I have always wondered why there was no site that would allow me to track …

: Update On The Stability Of The Bookeen Cybook Gen3 A post on the MobileRead forums hinted at my Cybook Gen3 stability issues being related to the font …

: Review: Bookeen Cybook Gen3 One of the first applications I’ve installed after buying my iPod touch last year was Stanza, …

: Planet Yahoo! Explodes In A Huge, Yet Pretty, Greg-Martin-Inspired Cataclysm It happens. I see no point in running Planet Yahoo! anymore, for reasons probably known — i.e. a few …

: God Gotchas This is a reblog of a post from my new Ruby-themed tumblelog. I know it’s kind of cheap to …

: Se7en Things Damn, Mookie tagged me. Well, why not. Seven things weird and/or unknown about me: When I was 8 …

: 2009 — My Grand Experiment As mentioned earlier, Yahoo! decided to shut down its entire Munich engineering department. So since …

: Mini Review: 2008 I was promoted. Then I lost my job. But I came to a conclusion, and found new goals. (More on this …

: On (e)Books John Scalzi: That said, these are gruesome times for publishing, and a lot of folks are not as …

: Es War Einmal… Yahoo! Engineering München Yahoo! hat am Freitag verkündet, die gesamte Engineering-Abteilung in München zu schließen. Meine …

: Fritz, Interview, Podcast! Mein Child’s Play-Interview in Trackback auf Radio Fritz war ein voller Erfolg, zumindest in …

: Child's Play in Deutschland, Update Wer hätte das gedacht, mein letzter Post hat Interesse bei einigen Leuten geweckt. Anscheinend war …

: Child's Play 2008: Deutschland (This is a post in German. Are you looking for the English language version?) Child’s Play …

: Child's Play 2008: Germany (Dies ist die englische Version eines ursprünglich deutschsprachigen Artikels.) Child’s Play …

: The Amazing Xmas Gift Ideas Machine A few weeks ago I was talking with Mike about carefully choosing gifts for our loved ones, about how …

: escaloop in 2009 The short story is: not going to happen. I’ll be shutting escaloop down in about a month or …

: Using Yahoo! Pipes: Your Most Recent Nike+ Run in Friendfeed During the last few weeks, I’ve built a couple of pipes I want to share. (“Pipe”, …

: 'A German''s View: US Elections 2008' (This is a rather long piece. It has a point, though… so please bear with me. Danke.) During the …

: BetterSearch Issues on Google …Fixed! I was made aware that BetterSearch is currently not working on Google. Apparently, Google changed …

: Blog Redesign I’ve become increasingly annoyed with my blog’s design. It’s …too much. …

: Going Paleolithic In his thoroughly enjoyable Science In The Capitol trilogy, Kim Stanley Robinson (who happens to be …

: SearchMonkey Apps Palooza A couple of weeks ago (mid-June) I’ve participated in our internal Yahoo! EU Hack Day. This time …

: Granite Yoda We bought him a few months ago, and now he’s watching over our garden. He’s sitting right next to …

: Still Running: June 2008 After two weeks of not being able to run without pain I’m good again. I had to find a different …

: Pleasant Memories Of Times Past Trying to keep track of the last one or two weeks… Running again! Avoiding tarmac, thank God there …

: Pavement Is Bad, mmmmkay [][2]A week ago, during the day, my left lower back and leg started to hurt. Each step I made stung, …

: Der Vogel Vorgestern bin ich im Biergarten der Alten Messe zum Mittag. Der Biergarten ist nahezu leergefegt; …

: Still Running: First Continuous 5km I ran my first continuous 5km today. My workouts are 5km+ already, but usually I follow a …

: Mini Review: "Iron Man" Quite a hoot! The lady and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Looking forward to the inevitable sequel. Worth …

: Twitter User Reputation, Greasemonkey Script Remember the other day, when I told you about the user reputation features in Twerp Scan? Yeah, good …

: Still Running: April 2008 Yes, I am still running. I’ve gone through a whole month of running three or four times a week, had …

: Twitter Twerp Scan update: Reputation Another late night Twerp Scan coding session. I mean, why not? ;) So, what’s new today? User …

: Twitter Twerp Scan update Evening, y’all. I’ve been working a bit on Twitter Twerp Scan. Here’s what’s new: It should be much …

: Twitter Twerp Scan Over the last few days I’ve pursued my idea to build a “Twitter spammer detector” of sorts using …

: Out Of Energy A bit over a week ago, my grandma passed away. (More about her maybe later.) The week between her …

: Running: Recap Week One I’m in the running business for a bit over a week so far. I’ve managed to finish the first four runs …

: Ma.gnolia FAIL, Or: Rendering OpenID Useless I can’t really remember the other few sites where I’ve seen this, but Ma.gnolia’s newly added OpenID …

: Mini Review: Need For Speed Carbon (Demo), Xbox 360 Preface ~1GB download. Lasting impressions Bad framerate issues. (No joke. Pretty choppy at …

: "I like it!" (It's called Auto Suggestion) After much deliberation I’ve decided to give running another shot. No, not the short “omg the …

: 🍿 Mini Review: Children of Men Wonderful movie that manages to be hopeful and dystopian at the same time. Great cast. The …

: Planet Yahoo! updates Evening, y’all. This is Carlo, your friendly Planet Yahoo! maintainer, with a quick note. A few …

: Sky: Brought Down This afternoon I’ve finished the first/latest Mass Effect DLC, Bring Down the Sky. It adds a new …

: Revelation, Garden Store Edition Dana and I went to the garden store earlier today, since she’s is working on cutting back our apple …

: Lifestream Craziness So Friendfeed opened yesterday. Naturally, I had to sign in to take a look. When I got to the point …

: We're Safe, Hooray Thank the Gods, the huge pile I’ve found on the sidewalk next to our door was just the remains of a …

: I guess It’s amazing what 30 minutes of frantic walking can do for your sanity. Tonight, when getting out of …

: Site(s) Redesign Complete! I’m done with the redesign. Both my tumblelog and this blog now share the same layout and (the most …

: Ode an die Schminkende Seit mehreren Wochen sitzt in meinem Bus nahezu jeden Morgen eine Frau, die sich mit Hingabe während …

: RescueTime Hack: Log your meetings and phone calls (OSX only) Over the last week I’ve been using RescueTime. It’s a neat little service that’s keeping track of …

: Suggestions for additional explicit service support Hi all, so far, escaloop has a couple of services it’s supporting explicitly, which means there are …

: escaloop v1.1 - Speedier, Facebookier, Diggier. I’ve spent the last few hours bug testing, then deploying, then yelling at, then hotfixing, then …

: Mini Review: Mass Effect, Xbox 360 Okay, yes, I’m late to the review party. In my defense, it has something to do with this and the …

: Lieber Saturn Theresienwiese, #2 Ich war gestern beim Saturn, Plasma-TVs anschauen. Nach einigem Rumrennen finde ich zwei …

: is go! A few months ago I was talking to Hendrik about lifestreams, and in my ongoing struggle for his …

: Christmas Cheers Calm down. Christmas isn’t about freaking out and panicking, it’s about not giving a damn about …

: Word of the day: Kaputtage kaputtage, kaputt-age (kä-pŏŏ’tĭj) – noun Derived from “outage”, describing the …

: Lifestream Tinker Toy, Powered By Yahoo! Pipes So, (almost) everyone is totally crazy for lifestreams these days. In case you managed to get around …

: Fucking Wiesn “Wir machen auf der Wiesn Mittag, kommst’ mit?” Warum lass ich mich immer nur wieder breitschlagen? …

: Open Facebook (Disclaimer: The following paragraphs might be pointless and you might end up feeling I have once …

: Yahoo! Pipes Tutorial: How To Process HTML Pages Over the weekend I finally had some time to continue playing around with Yahoo! Pipes. (Turns out …

: Quick Note Of The Day I like my life. It’s not perfect, but I don’t care. It’s pretty cool. I could do so much worse, …

: New Flickr API Output Format: LOL Looks like there is a new Flickr API output format: LOL. Not my work, no idea who built this, but I …

: Patience, Young Gardeners Yeah, it’s actually a granite Yoda. Awesome.

: Dear Rapleaf Guys: There Is No Good Spam I found a few versions of this in my inbox a few minutes ago: Dear “friends” at, I know …

: On Monikers Some fun-name generator told me the other day that my porn name is Reed Funkenstein. What can I say, …

: The Internet Is Broken …in Europe. According to the Internet Traffic Report, Europe’s intertubes currently feature around …

: Cordless Hardware Is Killing Your Children Okay, maybe that was a bit harsh, but think about it for a moment. Everyone is complaining about …

: Meh Dana is rebuilding our lovely little garden behind the house. We’ll get our new car on Friday …

: Mr. Mans goes to Brighton Hendrik moves to Brighton, UK. I still don’t have much to say about that, I am glad for him, but …

: Interesting Observation The more my little WoW toon is nearing lvl70 (he’s @69 now), the less space in my mind is occupied …

: Things I Don't Understand, #312 Jakob Nielsen’s bi-weekly ‘Alertbox’ column, aptly labeled “Current Issues in Web Usability“, does …

: We're NOT Friends, Sorry Twitter and Pownce are broken. MySpace, too. Oh, and pretty much every social networking site on the …

: I'm an uncle! During the night, my sister gave birth to two baby girls, Joline and Charleen. They’re all healthy …

: "Web 2.0", "AJAX", "BARF" - A Call To Action After reading another great press release I think I now know what “Web 2.0” means. Up until now I …

: Revelation, Web 2.0 edition It just dawned me that on the web, Germany must be to the UK and US what China is to the rest of the …

: Thank you, Elderlies of Japan Dear old people of Nippon, thank you. It is only because of you that I am still the one and only …

: unset(Perl) Dear Perl community, I just wasted 15 minutes of my life trying to figure out how to get the index …

: invites, anyone? So I have 100 invites for this new site called In a nutshell, I see it as Wikipedia + …

: Yahoo! News 2.0 Wir haben heute Yahoo! News 2.0 gelauncht. Gratulation an alle beteiligten Kollegen. :) Die Site hat …

: Weissbier with Timberlake The other day I met Justin Timberlake at a bus station here in Munich. That was quite bizarre, he …

: Madrid, or Whoaholycraphowcoolisthat The other day I talked about our impending doom, but Madrid wasn’t totally bad. In fact, I had two …

: Good bye, Media Temple After giving Media Temple a go for a few months regarding hosting this little blog on their …

: 🍿 Mini Review: Ocean's 13 It’s funny, highly entertaining, and dripping coolness. Go watch it.

: Madrid, or Why we're all doomed A few days ago, the company sent me to Madrid, Spain, for a summit. Madrid was nice. I’ve met a lot …

: Avatare im Vor ein paar Wochen wurde ich fürs Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin interviewt—es ging um Avatare und die …

: Carlo & The Carpet Cutter A week ago I was doing some home improvement. Well, I tried. And failed. In a spectacular way—the …

: Evolution After many hours in the lab, spent on creating timelines and elaborate flow charts, I am proud to …

: Erkenntnis Das Internet ist wie eine externe Version dieses total wahnsinnigen Teils meines überaktiven …

: So! Wir haben heute einen Baum gepflanzt im Garten. Einen Fächerahorn. Juhu!

: Maga-what? Reading Habit Meme Huh, so I’ve been tagged by Frank. Splendid. :P I’ve used to read quite a few magazines in the day, …

: Tumblr, a few days later I have to admit, I really like my new setup. tail -f carlo.log for the “real” blog posts …

: Lieber Saturn Theresienwiese! Es wäre total dufte, wenn ich nur einmal ein Produkt bei Euch kaufen könnte, ohne daheim direkt …

: Das Tumblringen! I’ve started a tumble log the other day. I consider it an experiment; first of all, Tumblr is an …

: Mini Review: "300" Good entertainment. They’ve painted some grand pictures there; I’ve enjoyed the visual style. Loved …

: Post It #24 Jedi Stamps. Apparently the “Jedi Shipping and Mailing Master” wants the collective opinion about …

: Musical Mind I am amazed how on some days a song can make you grin like an idiot and even boost your confidence, …

: Post It #23 Quote of the day. Today by Beryl. Wise words, for those of you who don’t know or may have forgotten: …

: Realization Last night, while looking around our living room, seeing all the furniture, the floor I put in, the …

: Post It #22 Ever played flOw? Then you might be able to relate. Clown car. Seriously, it’s not. (The image is …

: Review: Wer früher stirbt ist länger tot gibts jetzt endlich auf DVD. Nachdem wir über Monate hinweg …

: Battery Hail Storm & Energy Efficiency Hail: The Return of the Sun is a well-done ad/movie for solar power. Watch it, it’s pretty cool. I …

: Post It #21 Outlook vs. DST. This is what happens when you try to schedule a meeting to handle the DST …

: Post It #20 Right, I remember! Did I ever blog about being interviewed (“mentioned” would probably be the better …

: Post It #19 Description vs. person. defective yeti on discrepancies. Well summed up. Tables suck. …

: Post It #18 YUI hosting. Nate on Free Hosting of YUI Files from Yahoo!: Coinciding with this week’s release of …

: Akismet & HashCash The good fight against blog comment spam continues—I’ve added HashCash to the mix after noticing the …

: Post It #17 Yeeeeeeeeeaaaah. – it probably helps if you’re a fan of Scrubs. And crazy. Quote of …

: Karneval -- wurscht. Ich liebe den Münchner Personennahverkehr. Nirgendwo sonst in Deutschland sieht man alte, …

: Post It #16 Quote of the day. From a rest-discuss post about JSR 311: Java™ API for RESTful Web Services …

: Send Help! The other day I had to move my desk to another room, and thus was cut off more or less entirely from …

: The (n) Ways of Highly Ineffective People I had the pleasure to watch hordes of co-workers, past and present, struggling to get through their …

: Kaffe + Crosso Vor ein paar Wochen hat ein “Discount-Bäcker” in Trudering aufgemacht. Ich vermutete, …

: Post It #14 Quote of the moment. Simon on SEO, SMO and TLA’s: SMO, or “Social Media Optimisation” — …

: Post It #13 Swinging big. Yahoo! Pipes is live! Go play around with it. It’s really good stuff with almost …

: OpenID & CardSpace Oiy. Microsoft announces interoperability between CardSpace and OpenID: On the heels of the …

: His name is Rupert Friday I finally got my new machine delivered to my doorstep: 24’’ iMac, Core 2 Duo, 2GB RAM, …

: Post It #12 Technorati WTF. Technorati launches their WTFsystem. I see the possibility of serious abuse, but …

: Sweet Microsoft-related Irony Today is the day Vista is launched by many happy faces at Microsoft. (The World stood still for a …

: Abstruser Moment des Tages Vorhin im XXXLutz-”Restaurant”. Kellner: “Was darf ich Ihnen bringen?” Carlo: “Ich möchte das …

: Post It #10 CSS Well Of Knowledge. 53 CSS-Techniques You Couldn’t Live Without is a nicely done, dense list of …

: Post It #9 Yahoo! meets OpenID. Simon Willison just released his new site, Basically it’s a …

: Post It #8, Comics Edition (Mostly) 1080p!!!1 I don’t know whether technically this qualifies as joke, but I laughed. Re-roll. Kind of …

: Post It #7 Chocolate Covered SQL. This particular entry at The Daily WTF is hilarious. Even tho it’s …

: Post It #6 BookmarkID? Ka-Ping Yee came up with a funny idea on how to battle phishing using browser bookmarks. …

: Social whitelisting with OpenID, my take When I read Simon’s proposal about social whitelisting with OpenID this morning, I was immediately …

: Follow-up To "teh shiny" Rant Apparently, for whatever reason, people came here and read my mad rant about Jabber, OpenID And “teh …

: Post It #5 Summing up YouTube. xkcd does an excellent job of taking a snapshot of YouTube in one single comic …

: linkblog.toggle() I am thinking about my linkblog for a few days now, and whether to continue it or not. On one hand, …

: Post It #3 Windy. Outside a storm is brewing that is assumed to end all life in Germany. Everywhere. We’re all …

: The Dawn Of OpenID? Jeremy Zawodny on The Tipping Point for OpenID: I mean that all it takes now is for one “big …

: To Infinity! ‘Take a leap into hyperspace’ is an interesting article about the American Institute of Aeronautics …

: Aufwachen! Seit letzter Woche steht jeden Morgen an der U-Bahn-Station ein entfernt an Gunther von Hagens …

: Post It #1 Wee hands: A baby gorilla grasps the hand of a caregiver at the Lefini Faunal Reserve. The center …

: A Year In Moments: 2006 I am planning to write a more or less full rundown of the year past for a few weeks by now, and I …

: Looking good... That Greasemonkey article I was talking about a few days ago is coming along nicely. We’re in the …

: Using YUI In Greasemonkey Scripts The aforementioned tech article is available now on! It’s explaining a way to use the …

: World of Weakness Ich bin schwach. Hendrik erzählte mir interessante Sachen über den neuen WoW 2.0-Patch, und eh ichs …

: How Hanukkah Harry saved Christmas When Jon Stewart mentioned “Hanukkah Harry” the other day during an episode of The Daily Show, I …

: My First Tech Article A few weeks ago I was minding my own business at work, writing a Greasemonkey script to solve a …

: Reusable Components, Today: Keyboards A dirty, dirty, dirty keyboard can be cleaned thoroughly easily, it doesn’t necessarily have to be …

: Nintendo Wii: A Wee Review Gots me one of them Wiis the other day. Got Monkeyball and Rayman, but always ended up playing Wii …

: Wii would like to buy Heute Deutschlandstart vom Nintendo Wii. Geh gleich los, Holger und ich fahren zum Saturn an der …

: Firebug 1.0 beta 1 …ist raus. Exzellentes Addon für Firefox, das jedem ans Herz gelegt sei, der Webseiten entwickelt …

: TV Review: "Heroes" So… [Heroes][]. I watched the pilot and the first episodes over the last …

: Keine großen Unterschiede Heute auf dem Heimweg traf ich an der Bushaltestelle einen mir unbekannten jungen Mann. Ungefähr …

: 🍿 Kurzreview: Woody Allen, Scoop Am Samstag war ich mit meiner Holden mal wieder im Kino, es lief ‘Scoop – Der Knüller’ von Woody …

: Cursing 101 I am one of the “if you want to do it, do it right” school. I try to make it apply to …

: EVE... Stop hurting me, baby When Hendrik dropped a few bomb shells about the upcoming EVE expansion, I was feeling a bit unsure …

: Wordpress Woes and WTFs Well, the decision has been made—it certainly feels weird. The nice (?) side effect is my newly …

: Gut, mal wieder ein neuer Versuch Pure Ironie; ich mag mal wieder über Verschiedenes schreiben, empfinde, die …

: My good friend Hendrik gave birth (ewww) to a new site (phew…) called Now, here’s …

: My first Y! project has gone live Congratulations to the team – we’ve pushed live earlier this …

: Tales from the Auction House, part 1 Bought an Hakkari Coin at the AH for the great price of 5g 78s. Wanted to resell it for a better …

: Yahoo buying w00h00! It’s official now, it seems! Excellent news. I was suspecting that would …

: I'm alive. Rejoice! Huh, a few months since my last post, eh? Bummer. Time flies when you’re having fun or when …

: WoW EU By the way, I’ve cancelled my US subscription and set up shop at Argent Dawn EU. Ambea, Tauren …

: About the mayonnaise jar and 2 cups of coffee What a wonderful little story I’ve found over at Spreading Goodwill: THE MAYONNAISE JAR AND 2 …

: Hot Interracial Deeprun Tram Encounters! Discord :: View topic - Roleplaying Realms Rule: Out of sheer boredom and the need to do a little …

: The gerbil's on fire 2-days shopping spree in order to get dressed for next weekend, where two of our friends are …

: Translators needed I need some translators for BetterSearch, since the upcoming version 1.9 will introduce …

: Weekend WoW roundup So, let’s see… DING – Graun reached season 50! Then I’ve had a very nice …

: 🎵 Music review: Between Interval, "Radio Silence" It’s great, get it now. (If you don’t believe me right away, then take a look at the …

: Mature Irish Men Making Music In Munich We had tickets for the U2 concert here in Munich last night, and we had a blast. Great concert. Bono …

: Mini Review: "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" We went out to watch Mr. & Mrs. Smith last night. Despite the mediocre reviews the flick is …

: Oh my, the conclusion So, over the last few weeks I have posted almost no entries. What can I say, my life was wicked and …

: Vielen Dank Herzlichen Dank an die kreative Seele, die beim Versuch, unser Moped in der Tiefgarage aufzubrechen, …

: Advice needed I need a license for my new Firefox extension, but I can’t find anything that I like. …

: Washington Post's Style Invitational Got this from a co-worker today, think it’s great. :) The Washington Post’s Style …

: 2004 Revisited A few of you have done this already, so it’s my turn now. :) 1. What did you do in 2004 that …

: On Visiting IKEA So, we went to IKEA today, to buy a simple picture frame. When we left, we had bought this: In all …

: Management blogs, #2 By now I’m thoroughly depressed when I think about our aforementioned management blogs. Today …

: Of weddings, cake and tribes My baby sister Claudia married her longtime friend Tino this weekend. Yes, we were invited. :) …

: Of love, hate and management blogs Caution, rather unstructured rant ahead So, our internal company strategy is now mainly focussed on …

: Multigeschwindigkeitsklitorisstimulator Fun fact: Google muß passen bei dem Wort “Multigeschwindigkeitsklitorisstimulator”. In …

: Growing up as a coder Writing software is getting harder and harder. The more you learn, the harder it gets. It’s …

: from Python import love Pure elegance: print [self.entries[a] for a in range(len(self.entries)) if (viewingUser == self or …

: 20 Stages of Perl to Python Conversion 20 Stages of Perl to Python Conversion :: ASPN Mail Archive :: python- list: 20 Stages of Perl to …

: On Communities After building community sites for a while by now I think I have grasped the social dynamics …

: What the fuck is wrong with them?! What the fuck is wrong with them?! So, our little scooter is broken, the lights burn out every 10 …

: How to set up SpamBayes for your Dreamhost mail account Okay, so you want to use SpamBayes on your mail server in order to enjoy working with your webmail …

: Work follow-up Little follow-up to my last work post – now I am comfortable with giving away details. So, we …

: ProstiPop I hereby proclaim the new official term to describe the casting show / petridish cloning boy/girl …

: Changes ahead Big restructuring is going on in the office. For the first time in two- and-a-half years I have the …

: Bloglines I’m a Bloglines user for, what, exactly 4 months by now, and it just crossed my mind that it …

: Speaker of the Dead After reading Ender’s Game a couple of months ago, I’ve almost immediately put all Ender …

: Textile 2 beta - PHP class version I’ve been toying around with Dean Allen’s mui funky Textile for a while by now, and …

: review After being annoyed with spam emails for quite some time now (who isn’t?), I was setting up …

: My New Year's Resolution 2004 I’m not going to answer people anymore when I’m in the bathroom. You’re outside, …

: w00t! My big “semi-sister” accepted an honest proposal made to her by her boyfriend. In short, …

: Good night, little baby A breakthru for mankind: I’m writing this entry using my lap. Well, the iBook sitting on my …

: Contraceptives for the men among us An implanted male hormonal contraceptive is now being tested. It works in much the same …

: Wakka is alive Hendrik/Morn and I are back on improving Wakka, his/our little PHP/mySQL wiki engine. A Subversion …

: cDocPHP 0.1 I’m writing PHP code on a regular basis, and I need to document my code. Problem: I’m …

: You've got mail Another Sobig worm is making its rounds. It doesn’t make use of any hidden security holes, it …

: Class Reunion So, yesterday I was on the class reunion. We’ve graduated 13 years ago, and obviously a lot …

: 🍿 Mini Review: X-Men 2 Watched X-Men 2 last night. Hoo boy, what a movie. All in all I can say that I’ve enjoyed this …

: Mandatory Improv Theatre 3000 TL;DR: An afternoon suffering through the performance of an improv theatre troupe is likely not …

: Sony SonicStage is teh suck :P Can someone please explain to me why I all get with Dana’s new and tres cool NetMD recorder is …

: Godspeed I just saw the news. Not sure yet what to say, except for this: Godspeed to the scientists who lost …

: Amazement Everytime I think I’ve seen it all, I open another PHP script of that one special co-worker of …

: Hope The ice is thin, yet I manage to walk. The air is dry, yet I manage to breathe. The night is …

: Porn The Toronto Star (via “Men, looking for the perfect Christmas present? How …

: Morning Coffee Notes Just got an internal job opening in my office mailbox. Looks like my boss is leaving the company. …