Dear Rapleaf Guys: There Is No Good Spam

I found a few versions of this in my inbox a few minutes ago: spam

Dear “friends” at,

I know you’re probably just “alerting” me that “someone” might have found possibly incriminating links to my various social network profiles, and that is so nice of you.

You know what else it is? Spamming. That’s true! Ask your friends.

Sure, there is this “If you do not want to receive emails from Rapleaf, click here” link at the bottom of each unsolicited mail you’ve sent me. So what? I didn’t opt in for these mails in the first place. Someone searched for my email address, and you’ve simply used it to send out advertising. Face it: That’s what it is.

Okay, listen up, dear clueless people at

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Carlo Zottmann @czottmann