Societal progress isn't a fantasy

While everything seems to be terribly bleak right now, please remember that not everything is. There’s a lot of good stuff done by good people all around the world.

Societal progress isn’t a fantasy, it’s happening all around us. These #newsletter show what’s already working: climate solutions ready to scale up, environmental policies making progress, successful conservation efforts, and real advances in human rights.

Good things are happening everywhere. Here are a few links to sites and newsletters highlighting those.

  1. FIX THE NEWS is an independent, subscriber-supported publication. Each week, they find 30-40 stories of progress from around the world, and summarise them in a newsletter. In their podcast, they interview people doing extraordinary things to make the world a better place.

  2. POSITIVE NEWS reports socially relevant and uplifting stories of progress, from the global boom in renewable energy to cities that are solving homelessness, highlighting how people, communities and organisations are changing the world for the better.

  3. SQUIRREL NEWS is dedicated to changing perspectives through solutions-oriented journalism, focussing on news that shows original solutions, approaches and ideas. They aim to counterbalance the negativity of mainstream media and profit-driven journalism, with newsletters in German and English.

  4. IMPORTANT NOT IMPORTANT reports on “science for people who give a shit”. They’re “extraordinarily biased” towards reality which I like. Their newsletter also features “what can I do” sections to help you help yourself against the feeling of doom and gloom. They also swear a lot, which …understandable.

  5. And, finally, GOODnews is a curated platform for positive journalism. Every day their team carefully selects fresh, innovative, and inspiring news with positive social, economic, or environmental impact from hundreds of solutions-focused, fact-checked sources. Newsletters in English and German.

There are more, of course. These are just the ones I know.

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Carlo Zottmann @czottmann