Twitter User Reputation, Greasemonkey Script

Remember the other day, when I told you about the user reputation features in Twerp Scan? Yeah, good times.

Anyways, today I’ve cobbled together a quick Greasemonkey script to display the reputation and voting thumbs on Twitter user pages, right above the “About” portion in the sidebar. Like so:

Screenshot of the Greasemonkey-added user reputation thumbs

So this means that you can see on a glance whether someone is naughty or nice, right on his or her user page. And you can vote right there, on the spot, if you feel like, and this will of course feed the same database as you rating your contacts in Twerp Scan.

Use Greasemonkey for Firefox or GreaseKit for Safari to install the script, and then visit any Twitter user page.

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Carlo Zottmann @czottmann