Post-It #31

Your favourite new Dropbox tool, gun control in Japan, why Germany is still on top, Python-less docco, Instagram, and a video short about Earth seen from space.

I’ve built a thing you can buy. It’s called Servus and is a quick-upload Dropbox tool for Mac that supports custom themes for your uploads' preview pages. There is a 14-day trial, and until the end of days I have the aptly named APOCALYP-SALE 2012 going on. ;)

A Land Without Guns. How Japan Has Virtually Eliminated Shooting Deaths - The Atlantic: A fascinating look at the differences between gun acceptance, law and control in the US and Japan.

We’re doing fine! The U.S. Could Learn from Germany’s High-Tech Manufacturing: Why Germany is still going strong. It’s interesting to read a take of someone from the outside.

A pure JS docco implementation. doccoh is good ol' docco minus the dependency on pygmentize (which is Python) — instead doccoh relies on highlight.js. I like it because it’s much easier to install in a “pure” node.js/npm environment. Works as advertised.

And that’s what you get for free. The Atlantic on the Instagram “privacy” monetization. This is why I try to pay for things I really like and use heavily — Pinboard, Dropbox, Evernote, to name but a few. If you’re outraged about the Instagram news, then I suggest you bookmark Hendrik’s comprehensive timeline on any free, commercial service ever for future reference.

Overview. A 19 minute short about “astronauts’ life-changing stories of seeing the Earth from the outside – a perspective-altering experience often described as the Overview Effect." It’s worth your time, I think.

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Carlo Zottmann @czottmann