Post-It #26

Sublime Text 2 packages, Samsung Galaxy Note, Gumroad, Yoshi’s Blend.

Sublime Text 2 has quickly become my default text editor, and it’s great that you can enhance it with some select packages. My favourites so far are Sublime Package Control (great starting point!), sublime-jshint, Gist and SideBarEnhancements.

Allrounder devices FTW! TechBlock’s editorial “Samsung’s super-sized Galaxy Note changed my life” is rather in-depth. Beautiful photography, too.

Gumroad is really, really, really simple way to sell links. As in: you have something you want to sell (link/picture/file), you want to accept credit cards, and you want to get it done in under 10 minutes. (Like, oh I don’t know, a picture of me saluting you.) Its simplicity is great but due to the absence of an API there’s no way to create links programmatically. Still: selling something won’t get much simpler than this.

Coffee is helping. Mackenzie Sheppard’s short documentary Yoshi’s Blend is really touching.

After the earthquake and tsunami, Yoshi Masuda set out to share his love of coffee and vintage gramophone tunes with survivors, driving across Japan in a VW bus and setting up outposts of the HOPE Cafe. His humble goal is to create a scene of normalcy and warmth in a devastated area.

It’s just over 8 minutes long, so take a quick break and go for it.

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Carlo Zottmann @czottmann