TIL how to store git credentials for different HTTPS hosts 💻

When accessing different git repo hosts (GitHub, GitLab etc.) via HTTPS it’s necessary to enter your credentials. Fortunately, git offers a convenient way to automate this process by securely storing your credentials.

First, I needed to enable the credential helper:

> git config credential.helper store

Next up, I cloned a remote repository via HTTPS. git asked for the personal GitHub access token I previously generated (on GitHub under Settings → Developer settings → Personal access tokens):

> git clone https://carlo@github.com/carlo/whatever-whatever.git
Cloning into 'whatever-whatever'...
Password for 'https://carlo@github.com': 

Once I entered the password, my login info was saved in ~/.git-credentials:

> cat ~/.git-credentials

Naturally, I prefer using SSH but for those times when that’s not an option, my life got easier because I learned about the credentials storage.

Hat tip to this TecMint article and the git-credential-store documentation for teaching me new things.

Tags: #til #git #github

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Carlo Zottmann @czottmann