🌍 And it’s on. Join us! #climatestrike #fridaysforfuture #climatecrisis #münchen #münchenmusshandeln
🌍 And it’s on. Join us! #climatestrike #fridaysforfuture #climatecrisis #münchen #münchenmusshandeln
Let’s start this day, then! #climatestrike #münchen #tedxmünchen
From Rutger Bregman, “Utopia for Realists”, chapter 1.
That man gets it 😂
Schrodinger’s Gurke: schon seit langer Zeit im #Kühlschrank, könnte noch gut sein, aber möglicherweise ist sie auch schon tot.
This is Coco. She lives with a team mate of mine. She is a good girl and very shy.
Am 20.09. macht RECUP den Laden dicht. Wir gehen auf die Straße für den #Klimastreik. Und zwar die komplette Firma, denn es ist wichtig, laut zu werden, und nicht nur still zu nicken, während andere protestieren. Ist Eure Firma auch dabei? Ich fänds großartig.
Mehr unter www.unfuckyourcompany.org
#CoffeeToGoRevolution #München #klimawandel #klimakrise #politik
I get you, road sign… I get you.
Meißen hat ein paar echt cute Ecken, y’all
Solid. Pretty.
Oh, the memories! What a class act, that guy. Me and whatshisface go way back
About three weeks ago, that moment happened. While spectacular, it was but a glimpse of all the beauty and craziness and joy and raw emotions life would throw at me over the course of the week that followed this here photo. Wild days, truly. I <3 the weird-ass herd I run with, and will never ever except them as a given in my life. :)
Plans for tonight:
That’s it
Postel am Lustwall. OH YEAH
This is what Ezio Auditore da Firenze woke up to every morning.
Well, that and everyday murder. He probably had a First Civ alarm clock too.
Seriously, Tuscany is absolutely beautiful. Since none of my many pictures can do it justice, this will have to do.
Today’s office: Chiemgau. It’ll do, thanks
That’s 1000 days of meditation for me! 🧘♂️♥️ Mindfulness practices, mostly. It’s not always been easy but to me, it is time well spent each and every day. (Thanks to my partner in cri… calm, @calm!)
“Dare to be different” etc. #SoDeep
Whatever. Pretty flower is pretty!
I dig that mural. The color splotches are a nice touch. I don’t know whether those are an intentional part of the whole thing, out just vandalism. Without them, the mural wouldn’t be complete, tho.
Ach guck, das ist neu: @rebowl2go 😁 Abonniert es und sagt’s weiter, Leute!
Gnihihihihi 🤭 (Das Gelände heißt eigentlich Kistlerhof.)
Kollegin @lissy_wo hat gekocht. Ich meine, daaaaaaaamn