Media Diet, August 2024

A roundup of noteworthy things I’ve played, read, listened to, or watched over the last few weeks.

I was surprised myself, but I spent several hours watching outsidexbox’s videos and live streams on Youtube. Just what the doctor ordered: A great team of adults with good chemistry, playing games I don’t want to play but enjoy watching, bantering. Entertaining.

🎥 Tenet (2020) — Late to the party as usual, but I’ve enjoyed that weird-ass movie quite a bit. Bit of a brain twister story, well executed!

🎶 Rakim: “G.O.Ds NETWORK - REB7RTH” – If you’re in the market for good, new, old school hip hop by one of the greats, I can recommend this EP. It just clicks with me, hard.

📺 Infiniti (2022) — This 6-part, French scifi mystery series came out of nowhere for me. Part murder mystery, part Baikonur space drama, I really liked it. If you’re kinda bored by the same-same of US/UK SF shows, it might be worth your while. Different pace, different setting, different way to tell a story.

🎥 Bad Moms (2016) – Surprisingly funny. Didn’t expect anything, and it delivered a good number of laughs.

🎤 Steve Hofstetter: “Me, Myself, and ID” – A really good, super-solid, somewhat political comedy special. Hofstetter’s delivery is on point on several levels. And for me it had a number of laugh-out-loud moments! (A)

🎤 Taylor Tomlinson: “Have It All” (2024) – Tomlinson is good, I like her comedy a lot. To me, her style of comedy feels like “working things out on stage”, and I’m here for that. (See also her earlier special “Quarter-Life Crisis”.)

🎤 My Next Guest with David Letterman and John Mulaney (2024) – Two of the greats. Mulaney appears to be so much more …grounded these days, which actually makes me happy for him.

🎥 The Gray Man (2022) – Perfectly fine action flick with Ryan Gosling and Chris Evans' mustache. Nothing to write home about but well done. I won’t forget it anytime soon, however, only because I watched it on a hotel room Samsung smart TV, and that screen’s picture “optimizations” made the whole movie look like a cheap-ass telenovela, which angered me far more that is reasonable.

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